Grief, anger and equality
Published June 5th, 2020
To the community,
The past two weeks have brought deep sadness and grief, justified anger and demands that we in the United States, and around the globe, do better in building an equitable, just world. Racism, inequality, and long-established systems that perpetuate both must be addressed and eliminated.
We believe for that now is a time to listen, not talk. Now is a time to learn and seek to understand. At the same time, we do not want quiet to be confused with a lack of caring and so we offer this for absolute clarity: Racism has no place in our world. Systemic injustice robs far too many of their immense potential, and of their lives. We believe that each person is equally worthy despite the cruel fact that not all are equally valued. And we are committed to help create a world in which all are equal.
We understand that 400 years of inequality for Black Americans in the United States is a distinct issue from the global work we do to empower those living in poverty with access to safe water and sanitation. But the ultimate goals are the same - breaking the cycle of poverty, enabling lives of possibility, and achieving global equality.
Our core values will continue to drive us every day to deliver upon our vision of safe water and sanitation, and to address systemic inequities that stifle potential and cost lives. These values are our foundation today and in the future, as we work to realize a world of equity and opportunity:
- We are nothing without integrity. Make sure it lives in all that you do.
- We believe in the people we serve and in the intrinsic power of each individual. Each is born with the power and the right to prosper.
- We see powerful solutions in unusual places and tap unlikely forces to create big, systemic change.
- We settle for nothing less than social justice. We won’t let the disparity stand; it fuels the pursuit of our vision.
In the days and weeks ahead, we will continue to listen, seek to understand and follow the wise insights of Maya Angelou, to “(do) the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
With caring and humility,

Jennifer Schorsch, President

Gary White, CEO and Co-founder