Driving Impact Through Evidence

Dedicated to credible monitoring and evaluation
Data and evidence inform our work and contribute to the strength of our impact. We are committed to rigorously monitoring and evaluating the performance of our solutions, and learning from the results. By doing this we can scale lasting, sustainable solutions that bring safe water and sanitation to all.
Download our strategy for driving impact and innovation through evidence
Water.org is aligned with the Operating Principles for Impact Management, which provides a reference point against which impact management of systems of funds and institutions may be assessed.

We measure and track progress and impact metrics to inform and improve how we work, making sure our dollars go further.

We conduct due diligence to confirm results to inform current and future strategies.

We synthesize learnings and incorporate best practices to improve performance through efficient adaptation and uptake for future solutions.

We build an objective and credible evidence base to instill confidence in our work through data analysis, program tracking, result measurements, research, and business case studies.
Turning insights into impact
We carefully track our impact by analyzing monthly partner reports and progress, conducting household visits and viability assessments, and performing rigorous research. We use these methods to evaluate the outcomes of our solutions, improve how we work and change more lives with safe water - in all the countries where we work.
These methods also ensure we use our donor dollars wisely and efficiently, enabling us to bring smart, lasting solutions to the global water crisis. We are accountable to the people we serve, to our partners, and to you.

Evidence proves that financing works
Our strong evidence base proves that more lives can be changed through access to affordable financing for water and sanitation.
Read our body of work supporting the use of financing to achieve universal access to safe water and sanitation.
Help us change more lives with safe water and sanitation.